Keto Kickoff


Transform your relationship with food and unlock your body's fat burning potential with a comprehensive, personalized keto coaching program.

What sets Keto Kickoff apart?

Unlike generic keto problems that leave a lot of guesswork, Keto Kickoff provides direct, weekly video coaching sessions that will enable you to smoothly start and maintain a ketogenic diet. No more confusion about macros, making adjustments, and keeping the fat off (including if you move on from keto).

Upon signing up you will immediately receive a list of 28 unique days worth of meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and a keto grocery list. There is no requirement to eat the meals listed, but the list is to serve as a valuable resource, enabling you to enjoy variety.

Your 4-week journey includes:

Week 1: Master the keto basics

  • Personal guidance on grocery shopping and meal planning

  • Expert tips on avoiding common pitfalls like "keto flu"

  • Strategic approach to keeping net carbs minimal

Week 2: Your personalized blueprint

  • Custom macro calculations based on your unique metrics

  • Breakdown of daily energy expenditure

  • Differences between "goals" and "limits"

Week 3: Fine-tuning your success

  • Guidance on making adjustments to your plan

  • Understanding weight loss vs. fat loss in the short and long-term

  • Tracking progress beyond the scale

Week 4: Long-term success strategy

  • Smart approaches to incorporating carbs

  • Flexible strategies for special occasions

  • Sustainably transitioning and maintaining fat loss

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